Photographic Art - Nature Photography

About me:

I’m a retired engineer.  Some of my interests besides photography are foreign affairs, music (clarinet, violin), cosmology, big history, motorcycles, and in the past – hiking, skiing, scuba diving and ocean kayaking.

About my photography:

I’ve been doing photography seriously on and off for the last 30 years.   I started out with film – doing my own color film processing, digitizing, editing and printing. 

I’m mainly interested in nature photography.  Many of my images have been shown in public galleries and juried exhibitions and have been used by various government agencies and non-profits in their publications.

About this website:

The Home page shows a few images that are a cross-section of the menu categories.   The Collection shows a more comprehensive selection from the same categories.   The Recent category show a selection of images created in the last year and is updated now and again. 

About photographic art:

Art is the product of craft and intuition/imagination.  Artistic merit is subjective and a matter of the opinion of the individual observer – not critics, judges or academics.


On the Home page, mouse over the image to stop the slide show, then you can move the images back and forth – move the mouse off to resume.

On the galleries, click on a Thumbnail to enlarge the image, then click again to move to next image. Click off the image to go back to Thumbnails.

Larry Adamache

Coldstream, BC, Canada